She Wins Africa program aims to support the growth of up to 5000 women-led startups with advice, training, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

⏳Closing date
African women have the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the world at an estimated 24% and are more likely to start businesses than their counterparts in other regions in the world. However, several factors persistently hinder the potential of female founders and entrepreneurs in Africa. These include lack of access to startup capital, lack of access to start-up support ecosystems and networks that deliver capacity building support and lack of knowledge and expertise to implement gender-lens investing strategies among venture capital firms and funds.
She Wins Africa aims to address these challenges and improve opportunities for women-led startups to access financing.
✔️Requirements for program participation
Prospective participants must meet the following criteria:
- Age: 21+
- Gender: Female
- Years in business: 1+
- Headquarters: sub-Saharan African country.
- Industry: Agnostic with technology as a central component.
- Previous participants of similar IFC programs are ineligible to apply.
- Language: Fluent in English and/or French.
- She Wins Africa participants must be available to attend online training sessions and travel to networking events during the next 12 months. Please note that IFC will only cover flight and hotel expenses for the duration of the program.
- Deadline for applications: September 15, 2023
➡️Apply HERE
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