Keywords: Recherche avancée Annuaire Kluster CFCIM Actor Kluster CFCIM Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Incubateur Lab’Ess Actor Lab’Ess Target Areas Tunisie Investor Non Nature Incubateur MAGMA Business Accelerator Actor MAGMA Business Accelerator Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Accélérateur MAGMA Business Accelerator Actor MAGMA Business Accelerator Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Accelerator Malik Touimi Benjelloun Actor Malik Touimi Benjelloun Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Business Angel Maroc entrepreneurs Actor Maroc entrepreneurs Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Association Maroc entrepreneurs Actor Maroc entrepreneurs Target Areas Morocco Investor No Nature Association Maroc Numeric Fund Actor Maroc Numeric Fund Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Corporate investor Maroc Numeric Fund Actor Maroc Numeric Fund Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Corporate investors Maroc PME Actor Maroc PME Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Acteur public/privé Maroc PME Actor Maroc PME Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Public/private actor Mehdi Alaoui Actor Mehdi Alaoui Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Business Angel menofia fablab Actor menofia fablab Target Areas Egypte Investor Non Nature Fablab Min Ajliki Casablanca Actor Min Ajliki Casablanca Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Min Ajliki Meknes Actor Min Ajliki Meknes Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Min Ajliki Tanger Actor Min Ajliki Tanger Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Mohammed Boumediane Actor Mohammed Boumediane Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Business Angel Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE) Actor Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE) Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Moroccan Retail Tech Builder (MRTB) Actor Moroccan Retail Tech Builder (MRTB) Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Motaz Elewa Actor Motaz Elewa Target Areas Égypte Investor Oui Nature Business Angel Moukawilab Actor Moukawilab Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Incubateur Mourad Mekouar Actor Mourad Mekouar Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Business Angel New Work Lab Actor New Work Lab Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Accélérateur OCP Entrepreneurship Network Actor OCP Entrepreneurship Network Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Incubateur OCP Entrepreneurship Network Actor OCP Entrepreneurship Network Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Incubator Omar Tahiri Actor Omar Tahiri Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Business Angel Omar Tahiri Actor Omar Tahiri Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Business Angel Orange Corners Actor Orange Corners Target Areas Afrique du Sud; Algérie; Angola; Congo (RDC); Côte d'Ivoire; Egypte; Ghana; Maroc; Mozambique; Nigeria; Sénégal; Soudan Investor Non Nature Incubateur Orange Digital Center Maroc Actor Orange Digital Center Maroc Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Incubateur Orange Fab Tunisie Actor Orange Fab Tunisie Target Areas Tunise Investor Oui Nature Accélérateur P-Curiosity LAB (PCL) Actor P-Curiosity LAB (PCL) Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Fablab Private Equity Initiatives Actor Private Equity Initiatives Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Corporate investor R&D Maroc Actor R&D Maroc Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Association RED SEA STEM Actor RED SEA STEM Target Areas Egypte Investor Non Nature Fablab Réseau Entreprendre Maroc Actor Réseau Entreprendre Maroc Target Areas Maroc Investor Non Nature Association Réseau Entreprendre Maroc (REM) Actor Réseau Entreprendre Maroc (REM) Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Association SEAF Morocco Growth Fund (SMGF) Actor SEAF Morocco Growth Fund (SMGF) Target Areas Maroc Investor Oui Nature Corporate investor SEAF Morocco Growth Fund (SMGF) Actor SEAF Morocco Growth Fund (SMGF) Target Areas Morocco Investor Yes Nature Corporate investors Sequence Ventures Actor Sequence Ventures Target Areas Egypt Investor oui Nature Corporate Investor Sharkia FAB LAB Actor Sharkia FAB LAB Target Areas Egypte Investor Non Nature Fablab ← Précédent Suivant →